Forgiveness is the Key to Unity: 13 September, 2020

Matthew 18:21-35

When responding to Peter’s question about how often to forgive, Jesus’ answer must not be construed as a program specifying a maximum of seventy-seven occurrences. The parable suggests that forgiveness becomes a lifestyle for those who have received God’s forgiveness. Peter’s question had to do with granting forgiveness for repeated offenses, while Jesus’ parable deals with forgiveness for an immense debt, yet both are focused on the same problem.

Forgiveness does not flow naturally from the human heart. For the believer who lives in reconciled relationship with God, the character of God will have a transformative effect on the character of the believer. The story asks the listener to contemplate whether a person could receive the mercy of God while remaining unmerciful toward fellow believers. . . . The believer will find that forgiveness not only sets the offender free, but also gives life and freedom to those who do not hold a grudge or seek revenge. –– Aaron J. Couch

Genesis 50:15-21

Even though Joseph held a position of great power (almost as good as God, as far as the brothers were concerned), he did not presume to be able to judge them as God would judge, deserving life or death. With a display of irony, however, Joseph acts as God does act, extending forgiveness and promising to provide for them and their children. Joseph has learned that appearances may be deceiving. Even though the brothers had desired to harm Joseph, God used their actions to give life and blessing. Joseph interprets his suffering as having an important role to play in the unfolding of God’s hidden purposes. –– Aaron J. Couch

Romans 14:1-12

Paul addresses the place of dietary restrictions in a community of Jewish and gentile Christians, which together with circumcision and Sabbath observance, were defining boundary markers for Jewish identity. The real issue, though, is the role food (and other identity markers) might play in erecting barriers and causing conflict between members of the Christian community. Paul identifies two groups for whom the issue is important. The strong would include any person whose conscience was untroubled by eating nonkosher food, in particular meat that may have come from an animal sacrificed for pagan worship. The weak would include any person whose conscience would permit no compromise of their Jewish faith practices.

Paul is most concerned about the potential for conflict and judgment to divide the church. He calls on both the strong and the weak to be fully convinced that they are correct, while also refraining from judging each other. It is important for both the strong and the weak that their actions possess integrity.

Whether it is observing the Sabbath or eating meat that may have been sacrificed to an idol, the Christian must act in accordance with his or her conscience. Even more important, though, thebeliever must recognize that those with whom he or she disagrees belong to God. No believer has the right or authority to pass judgment on another believer. –– Aaron J. Couch

Aaron Couch is a co-pastor of First Immanuel Lutheran Church in Portland, Oregon.

Homily Service 41, no. 4 (2008): 14-25.

David Turnbloom