The Astonishing Gifts of Christmas

24 December 2019 ––Christmas Eve

This Christmas, like those families so long ago brought together by the Roman Empire, we gather together as one family. We meet all members of one body and receive and celebrate God’s wonderful gifts to us. . .

Our Christmas gift from God is angels. . . with their news of great joy to the world, with their message of gladness and hope to us all and to the world. . .

God also gives us Joseph. . . who never expected this to happen to him when he proposed to Mary and they got engaged. . . When you next look into a crib and see the figure of Joseph, remember the trust and faith of which he has become a living symbol.

At Christmas God also gave us Mary. . . . a real person, a living human being, a Jew. . . [who] radiates love. . .

In addition. . . God gives us Jesus. . . the Christ-child. . . . [who will] turn all the traditional teaching about God on its head. But now, at Christmas, Jesus, the babe of Bethlehem, is a symbol of peace. –– Michael Beck

Luke 2:1-20

Luke’s story of the birth of Jesus is the most detailed, and most recited, account of the event. Several features are worth mentioning. Augustus Caesar was widely known as a savior and god to the Romans and the peace he brought was legendary. Into this period Jesus, the true savior and God, is born. In fact, Luke is the only Gospel to name Jesus as Savior. He is wrapped in swaddling clothes, much like David’s first son, Solomon (Wisdom 7:4–6). Angels announce his birth first to shepherds, signaling Jesus’ ministry to the poor and marginalized throughout his ministry. The baby is laid in a feeding trough and Luke will use food and banquet imagery to talk about the kingdom of God. . . . Luke, of all the gospels, offers a glimpse into Mary’s mind and heart and the effect of the miraculous birth on her. –– Mary Katherine Deeley

Isaiah 9:2-7

In the eighth century, King Ahaz, fearing that Israel would suffer as a result of the Syro-Ephraimite alliance, turned to Assyria for assistance. Assyria eventually turned on Israel and laid siege to Jerusalem in 701. Isaiah challenged Ahaz to trust in the Lord, and his visions produced most of the so-called “messianic prophecies,” of which the beginning of chapter 9 is probably the most well-known.

While Jewish interpretation might see the child as the good king Hezekiah or an unnamed messiah who would free them from their enemies, Christians have seen in these words the description of Jesus. He is given authority (dominion) and great wisdom (wonderful-counselor). He defends the people from their enemies (God-hero) and loves his people forever (Father-Forever). Finally, he is Prince of Peace, whose reign is marked by the just peace of God. –– Mary Katherine Deeley

Titus 2:11-14

The early church considered Titus as canonical and the second reading is taken from the section on the Christian life. The opening of the chapter speaks about behavior, much like other examples in Paul (e.g., Ephesians 4:25ff; Colossians 3:1–17; Romans 12:9–21). In closing. . . Paul credits God’s grace for salvation and the power to help us reject “godless ways”. . . –– Mary Katherine Deeley

Michael Beck, an Anglican parish priest with a DMin in preaching (2004) from the Association of Chicago Theological Schools, serves as tutor for preaching at the Lindisfarne College of Theology, Durham University, United Kingdom

Mary Katharine Deeley is the director of Christ the Teacher Institute of the Sheil Catholic Center, the Roman Catholic campus ministry at Northwestern University, Evanston, Illinois, the author of many books, a frequent speaker on diverse topics, and a pastoral advisor.

Homily Service 41, no. 1 (2007): 53-66

David Turnbloom